Electrical control system
Brand of key mechanical parts and electrical components of equipment
Serial number | name | brand |
1 | programmable control | Siemens (Germany) |
2 | HMI | Siemens (Germany) |
3 | Load switch | Schneider (France) |
4 | breaker | Schneider (France) |
5 | AC contactor | Schneider (France) |
6 | Buttons and indicators | Schneider (France) |
7 | thermal relay | Schneider (France) |
8 | Photoelectric encoder | Omron Omron (H edition) |
9 | The electromagnetic valve | Adek (Taiwan, China) |
10 | Lift digital inverter | Mitsubishi (Mitsubishi Japan) |
11 | Lift gearbox | Siti (Italy Siti) |
12 | Lift motor | Siemens S i emens (Germany) |
13 | Filter element | American Donaldson Film Filter Cartridge |
14 | Pulse cleaning valve | ASCO |
15 | Differential pressure measuring instrument | Dwyer (United States) |
16 | Exhaust fan | Southern/German Ventilator |
17 | Fan motor | Siemens Bed |
18 | Flame Retardant PPS/PVC Board | New Miller (Germany)/Roussling |